# Example menu
# Inventory title. (Only used as a display name)
# Default: "" (No title)
title: "Example Inventory"
# Extends another menu. Extending means this menu will copy all the
# items, and settings from the specified menu.
# All unchanged settings in this menu are set to values from the extended
# menu, explicitly set values are not overridden.
# Menu names are determined by their file name (without the . suffix)
# Default: "" (No extension)
extends: "other-menu-name"
# Marks this menu as a 'template'
# Template inventories are never registered as standalone menus, but are only
# used for the purpose of being extended by another menu and are disposed after
# menu loading has been completed.
# Default: false
template: false
# Size of the inventory, can be a number (In which case it must be a multiple
# of 9 and less than 55) or a row number.
# Examples: 9, 18, 27, 36, 1row, 2rows, 3rows, 4rows
# 6rows (or 54) is the maximum allowed value.
# Default: 9, aka, 1row
size: 4rows
# Item type that's shown at the very top middle of the menu.
# Default: "minecraft:stone" lol
header-item: "minecraft:stone"
# Style of the item name of the menu header
# Default: "yellow"
header-name-style: "yellow"
# Description shown in the menu header
# Default: [] (Empty description)
description: [ "This is an example menu :)" ]
# Sets whether the inventory has a border around the edge slots
# Default: true
border: true
# A list of arbitrary tags applied to the page. Certain tags
# may be used by other plugins to provide functionality of
# some kind.
# For example, the arcadius-factions plugin uses the
# "faction:<insert faction name here>" tag to modify item
# prices based off of your reputation with a specific faction.
# Default: [] (Empty list)
- "any"
- "arbitrary"
- "tags"
# List of items in this menu
# All items must have a 'slot' value that determines where in the
# inventory the item is located. This is an x,y value string where
# coordinates start at 0.
# For example, the most top left slot is 0,0 and the slot in the
# top right is 8,0.
# Slots here are just randomly assigned for the purpose of example
# Each entry, alongside the 'slot' value, must have a node value,
# this is EITHER 'hardcoded', 'open-menu', 'sell' or 'item', these
# values cannot be mixed and are mutually exclusive.
# Each node value will generate an item to take up the slot and
# handle click actions on their own.
# Default: [] (No items)
# "hardcoded" values are, as the name suggests, items that are
# hardcoded into the plugin.
# Possible hardcoded values:
# - filter_name: Named items filter toggle.
# - filter_lore: Items with lore filter toggle.
# - toggle_compact: Toggles compact selling.
# - sell_amount_1: Changes the amount of items you sell to 1.
# - sell_amount_16: Changes the amount of items you sell to 16.
# - sell_amount_64: Changes the amount of items you sell to 64.
# - sell_amount_all: Changes the amount of items you sell to all.
- slot: 1,1
hardcoded: "toggle_compact"
# "open-menu" opens a menu with the specified name when clicked.
# Menu names are determined by their file name (without the . suffix)
# The item used to represent the menu in this inventory is the header-item
# of the specified inventory
- slot: 1,2
open-menu: "other-menu-name"
# Sets the item in the slot to be a 'sellable' item.
# This follows a format set in the prices/loader.yml file, with this pattern for values:
# <price file name>:<material>.
# For example: prices/loader.yml has an entry named 'common' and that entry has a price for
# stone, you would reference that entry like so: "common:stone"
- slot: 1,3
sell: "prices-file:stone"
# Direct item reference
# Values:
# - item (Required):
# Specifies the item that's shown
# - on-click (Optional):
# Specifies a list of commands executed when the item is clicked
# See https://arcadiusmc.net/adminwiki/commandplaceholders/ for
# supported placeholders
# item values:
# - material (Required):
# Item type, eg: "minecraft:stone"
# - name (Optional):
# Item name
# - lore (Optional):
# Item lore list
- slot: 1,4
material: "minecraft:stone"
name: "Hi :3"
lore: [ "Line 1", "Line 2" ]
on-click: [
"tellraw %player Hello! :)"
Last modified: 01.01.2025
commit: Add documentation about the sell shop
commit: Add documentation about the sell shop